pifumylrSm 17ESpfom;wpfa,muf tdrfeD;em;csif;&JU Wireless Network udk cdk;oHk;rIeJU axmif3ESpfusawmhr,fwJh/ olUtdrfeD;csif;u wdkifvdkufvdkU uHqdk;&SmwJh Tan Jia Luo av;crsm uGefysLwmqdkif&m tvGJoHk;pm;jyKrI Oya'eJU w&m;&ifqdkif&awmhr,f/ vmr,fh Ak'¨[l;aeUrSm w&m;&Hk;wuf&r,fqdkygw,f/
jrefrmjynfu oGm;wJh wcsKdUoli,fcsif;awG Wireless Network Card av;wyfjyD; ab;cef;? ab;tdrfu WLL udk Leeach vkyfwwfMuw,fvdkU Mum;zl;ygw,f/ eJeJyg;yg;qdk udpör&Sdayr,fh tckvdk wdkifvdkuf&if rvG,faMumyJAs/
WLL Access Point awGrSm Secure vkyfrxm;&if ab;u uyfoHk;vdkU&aeawmhvJ cufom;vm;/ Tan Jia Luo u Computer Misuse Act eJU yxrqHk; ta&;,lcH&r,fholvdkUvJ owif;awGxJ zwf&ygw,f/ avmavmq,f pvHk;ydkufqH 6000 eJU tmrcHay;xm;ygw,f/
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cufwmu 'Dudpöudk b,fvdkrsm; Detect vkyfovJqdkwmygyJ/ ckacwf Laptop awGrSm Wireless Access Enable jzpfaewmu rsm;w,fav/ Unsecure WLL awG roHk;&bl;vdkU owfrSwfvdkuf&if 'DvdktjzpfrsKd; 'DaeUMuHKawGU&r,f rxifbl;/
Later versions of Routers and Gateways have automatic security ID to prevent leechings. But I think you can detect who is leeching your Routers/Gateway from the console. I believe you can capture MAC ID or IP Address of people who are using the Routers/Gateways.
After knowing the leecher's IP address what can u do more ?? I'm a bit confused .. if he didn't log in to some sorta official site how those god damn ppl can trace back to him ??? How can they prove that .. I think there's so many loophole in that exploit.