A to Z of the kiasu philosophy
Always must win
Borrow but never return |
Cheap is good
Don't trust anyone
Everything also must grab!
Free! Free! Free! |
Grab first talk later |
Help yourself to everything
I first, I want, I everything |
Jump queue |
Keep coming back for more |
Look for discount |
Must not lose face | |
Never mind what they think
| Outdo everyone you know |
| Pay only when necessary |
| Quit while you are ahead |
Rushing and pushing wins the race |
| Sample are always welcome |
Take but don't give |
| Unless it's free forget it |
Vow to be number one |
Winner takes it ALL! ALL! ALL! |
X'tra = more
Yell if necessary to get what you want |
Zebras are kiasu because they want to | be both black and white at the same time.
Singapore's 5Cs
Credit Card
Singapore's most famous 5Ks
Kiasu (scared of losing)
Kiasee (scared of death)
Kiabor (scared of wife)
Kiaboh (scared of having nothing)
Kiachenghu (scared of government)
Published by Kalvin on Tuesday, July 31, 2007 at
1:43 PM.
Can I know what language it is, Kiasuism? And also 5Ks.
Kiasuism....I am wondering whether I am looking at the philosophy of "Rhett Butler"!!!
I like the last one, Zebra.
hmm..anonymous comment is not allowed now?
The original language is chinese. Kiasu was a Hokkien word. Check this link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kiasu . Now Anonymous commenting is not allowed but there's no more comment moderation now. You can see your comments after you post it.