Why We are using WinKalaw Font in NativeMyanmar Forum and Why Not UNICODE ?
Check this Out .. We use WinKalaw Font.
So you better check out the winMyanmar System.
Click below to get the full keyboard layout for mm font.
Note : Those RED Colored are only for Version 4 or Lagacy Windows Version 3.x.
Exp : The Ctrl+Alt / Ctrl+Alt+Shift key combinations didn't work since Windows 95 until Windows XP. Later on Microsoft move to UNICODE which enable specific character mapping.
However we didn't use UNICODE in this forum.You may wonder why we (Newly Created Forum) don't use UNICODE. Because
1. We don't know which one is Actual Standard. ( bite me .. I still dunno which is the IDEAL one and is everybody agree with that ? )
2. Sometime myanmar UNICODE fonts didn't work well with Opera Browser and sometime Microsoft Internet Explorer and nobody fully grantee about the compatiblity issue.
3. Those lousy font rendering will make us remember the old days, DOS version myanmar fonts for Word Perfect.
4. If we choose MyaZedi, Some ppl will complaint why we dun use ZawGyi and also what about PonNya and there are still lots of them out there. check out this google search result.
5. Never seen a UNICODE font as much as clear and beautiful like this WinKalaw ( Credit to SuperNova who modified this font from original WinKalaw )
6. Most of the members comes from BaganNET Forum which use WinKalaw. So they will be easy to migrate here.
7. There are lots of members who don't have technical knowledge to perform the self-installation of UNICODE font & keyboard helper/layout software. Some organisation didn't allow those kinda add-on installation and some use from cybercafe.
Note : I just want to tell why we don't use UNICODE as knowledge. If somebody might ask a question about this .. maybe I can point this post.
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